Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Do you know that Digital Marketing is one of the fastest growing industries in India and is soon going to be one of the industries which offers the largest number of career opportunities?

According to a report on Digital Advertising in India, jointly published by IAMAI and IMRB, the value of Online Advertising market in India is increasing at the rate of 30% year on year.

Digital Marketing industry has already created 8 lakh jobs in the market and is expected to create 20 lakh jobs by 2020.

Here in this Brief course on Fundamental of Digital Marketing, we cover some basic of digital marketing which you require to know before you start your career in digital marketing. In this course you will learn:

#1 – The Digital Marketing fundamentals, Syllabus and Opportunities in Digital Marketing

#2- Things you need to take care before joining any Digital Marketing institute

#3 -Success Stories to motivate you to build a career in Digital Marketing.


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