We do not charge/accept any amount or security deposit from job seekers in exchange for employment opportunities or other similar services. Also, we don't offer part-time, freelancing, or work-from-home opportunities without any interview process. Please be wary about these impersonation scams - we shall not be liable for any of your loss. Read more

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A talent pool of professional candidates awaits you. Choose the best from the best.


Recent Recruitment

Our students are chosen by some of the top digital agencies in the country to work with them.

 Junior Analyst(Content Management)
Reshma Hemaraj
Junior Analyst(Content Management)
 Junior Analyst(Content Management)
 Digital Marketer
Milon Elanjikkal
Digital Marketer
 Digital Marketer
 Performance Marketer
Muhammed Siyan
Performance Marketer
 Performance Marketer
 Front end Developer
Nafida Nazar P
Front end Developer
 Front end Developer

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