We do not charge/accept any amount or security deposit from job seekers in exchange for employment opportunities or other similar services. Also, we don't offer part-time, freelancing, or work-from-home opportunities without any interview process. Please be wary about these impersonation scams - we shall not be liable for any of your loss. Read more

Refund Policy

At Aviv Digital, we strive to make all our courses best in the industry. However we understand that there could be exceptional circumstances where a refund request is valid.

But, due to the nature of our business, we cannot issue a refund once the class has started or/and we provide you access to the course materials and other details.

We will be providing refund requests ONLY in the below circumstances:

Classes Abandoned – If for some reason we are abandoning the classes due to our reasons, we will be refunding the money you paid, based on a pro rata basis. However this doesn’t include non completion of course due to absence from your end. 

Classes suspended due to unforeseen circumstances 

If due to any unforeseen circumstances  (epidemics, natural calamities,  riots or any others of these sorts) we are not able to complete the classes, we will compensate the same on a mutually agreed date later, which is convenient to all. But no refunds will be given in those cases. 


Online Classes
Once you join the class and access to the course materials and other details are provided, no refund shall be entertained.  Network connectivity issues (at either ends) are not considered as a reason for refund. We will be trying to compensate the missed classes by providing a recording or an alternative class in another batch to cover this.

For any further clarifications related to refund, please do send us an email to info@avivdigital.com or call us at +91 8156998844.