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React Front-end Developing Course in Kerala

4 MONTHS COURSE (4 months of React front-end development, including a live project)

  • Weekday Batch Monday - Friday (9 AM - 6 PM)
Certified Partner for : sted-council-certificate acodez-certificate

Course features

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    Duration: 4 Months

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    Pass Percentage: 90

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    Modules: 11

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    Assignments: 10 and 2 Mini project

Certification Offered by

  • STED Council

    STED Council

  • Acodez


Classroom Training

120 hrs Classroom Training

Covers worldwide valuable knowledge

Government Approved Certification

Government Approved Certification

A completely certified course by industry experts/ google, bing, etc.

Weekend & Weekday Batch

Weekend & Weekday Batch

Shift timing module to help suit your schedule


Centers across multiple locations

Located in major cities across kerala

Placement Assistance

Placement Assistance

Get Trained and top companies are ready to hook you up

Sessions from Industry Experts

Sessions from Industry Experts

We provide free tools, themes and plugins totally free of cost, for you to score better and smarter

Custom Made Courses

Custom Made Courses

Training for specific industry needs and personalized objectives of professionals, entrepreneurs, students and more

Mini Project

Mini Project

Training webmasters and become industry experts

Today the internet is crammed with thousands of websites, as nearly every business regardless of size or industry desires online presence. This of course, means that there is an increasing demand for professionals who can create websites – in other words, the demand for full stack web developers is spiraling. If you have always dreamed of being a web developer, and have a flair for coding, this is the right time for you to get into the industry. An effective website development course from a reliable and reputed institute can propel your career in the right direction, and kick start your journey to financial independence. Armed with skills in the most robust web development technologies and programming languages you will be sought after by businesses and IT companies for developing feature rich websites that help companies achieve their goals.

Our full stack developer course can help you develop your raw talent and coding skills, and make you a competent web developer.

Top Skills You Will learn

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • React JS
  • Tailwind

Job Opportunities

  • Software Developer
  • React JS Developer
  • UI Developer
  • Mobile Developer
  • Frontend Developers

Who All Can Learn

  • Freshers
  • Software Developers
  • HTML Developers
  • Mobile Developers

Minimum Eligibility

  • Bachelor’s or Equivalent Degree
  • Any 3 Year Diploma


imageDownload Syllabus
  • Introduction to HTML
  • Browsers and HTML
  • Editor’s Offline and Online
  • Tags, Attribute and Elements
  • Doctype Element
  • Comments
  • Headings, Paragraphs, and Formatting Text
  • Lists and Links
  • Images and Tables
  • Introduction CSS
  • Applying CSS to HTML
  • Selectors, Properties and Values
  • CSS Colors and Backgrounds
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Margins, Padding, and Borders
  • CSS Text and Font Properties
  • CSS General Topics
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Applying JavaScript (internal and external)
  • Understanding JS Syntax
  • Introduction to Document and Window Object
  • Variables and Operators
  • Data Types and Num Type Conversion
  • Math and String Manipulation
  • Objects and Arrays
  • Date and Time
  • Conditional Statements
  • Switch Case
  • Looping in JS
  • Functions
  • Introduction to JQuery
  • Validation using JQuery
  • JQuery Forms
  • JQuery Examples
  • Develop an e-Commerce application front-end using HTML, CSS and jQuery


  • Introduction
  • Installing React js
  • React Components
  • JSX Introduction
  • Components
  • Props
  • Event Handling
  • States
  • Multiple Components
  • Complete App Component


  • Webpack
  • Webpack Demo
  • Webpack Config
  • Implementation
  • Refactor
  • Final Webpack


  • Promise and Callbacks
  • Fake App
  • Rest API
  • Making it
  • Loading Text


  • Introduction
  • Implementation
  • Final Implementation
  • Explanation


  • Introduction
  • Karma Configuration
  • First Test
  • Testing
  • jQuery
  • Reports
  • Introduction
  • Layout
  • Flexbox
  • Grid
  • Box Allignment
  • Spacing
  • Sizing
  • Typography
  • Backgrounds
  • Borders
  • Effects
  • Tables
  • Transition and Animation
  • Transform
  • Interactivity
  • Plugins
  • Develop an e-Commerce application front-end using React.js

Aviv Digital advantage

Digitization of business began with exclusive ecommerce sites; then brick and mortar stores, big companies, multinationals, all got into the online space; today, with the world in the grip of a pandemic, more and more businesses are selling online. This means more websites – in turn, the need for more developers – who are skilled and well trained. It's not merely enough to just have a website today; the website has to be visually pleasing, user-friendly, and easy to navigate for potential customers. And from the point of view of businesses, websites need to be flexible, scalable, and capable of increasing revenues or achieve other business goals. If you have the basics of coding, and a flair for building things, applied learning through a web development course from AvivDigital will hone your skills and equip you with the technical know-how and skills required to be a successful developer.

Our full stack web development course will help you develop the skills required to perform both front-end and back-end development. With our superior course content, will ensure you attain a robust foundation to work with host configurations and servers, integrate databases, and eventually create websites that are dynamic and data-driven. Learn from some of the best professionals in the industry as you navigate the complex world of web development, and get hands-on learning experience by working on live projects. Our sister concern, Acodez Solutions has several ongoing projects at any given time, and under the watchful eyes of senior programmers and trainers, you can get first-hand experience from the word go. This is sure to give you an advantage vis-à-vis your competitors. At Aviv, you will get to explore core server languages like PHP, .Net, Node.js, and many other.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is React JS?

React JS is an open-source frontend development JavaScript library or framework, that was released by Facebook in 2013. It can be used to build both mobile and web apps, and is a hot favorite among developers and businesses alike, as it has the powerful feature of leveraging the benefits of search engine optimization or SEO. Apps developed using React JS usually load faster, and rank higher in search engine result pages compared to apps that use other frontend frameworks. Close to 10,000 companies today use React - Facebook, Airbnb, Uber etc., being some of the most well-known names.

Who can do this course?

For any web development project, it is imperative to be familiar with HTML and CSS, it is therefore more beneficial if you already possess the knowledge of these tools; and as React is a JavaScript library, it is necessary to know JavaScript before you enroll for a react js course. You will need to know JavaScript features, both generic and modern. Formal education is not compulsory – you can enroll for a React JS frontend developer course even if you have not completed your graduation.

Who will be my trainers?

At Aviv Digital, our trainers are well qualified professionals with industry expertise. They are themselves lifelong students, continuously upgrading their knowledge and mastering new languages and technologies as they emerge on the tech landscape. Our trainers are approachable and believe in imparting hands-on training, so you can expect to work on live projects in our software development wing, Acodez Solutions. Our trainers will guide and monitor you through every phase and answer all your queries. As working professionals themselves, they are well versed with real life problems while developing and you can learn to resolve tricky issues.

What kind of job can I expect to get after completing the course?

You can get a job as a frontend developer once you successfully complete the basic and advanced levels in React JS. You can work in a company, or freelance; however, it is preferable that you first gain some experience as a fresher in a company so that you get ample experience in actual development. You can work on developing web apps as well as Android and iOS mobile applications. React JS developers are in great demand in the industry now as this framework is very popular for frontend development. A fresher can expect to get around 4 lakhs per annum. With experience and proven talent, you can get much higher salaries.

Why should I Choose Aviv Digital to learn React?

At Aviv Digital, we not only have the best in the industry to train you, we also have a very conducive learning atmosphere, and excellent infrastructure. We provide training materials and guide you to the best reference materials, both online and printed. Our students get a lot more practical learning than students at other institutes as we have our own software development wing. Here, under the watchful eyes of our trainers, students can work on real-life projects and test their classroom learning. We conduct frequent tests to ascertain how much progress our students are making, and how well they have learnt the concepts.

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  • Full Stack Developer Courses

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