
Until recent years, digital marketing has not been active enough to overcome the challenges of adopting traditional marketing. Every business activity today has enabled efficient, personalised, and analytical marketing. The rise of digital channels like social media, email, etc., has brought digital marketing to the limelight for all businesses.

Businesses everywhere are eager to promote their products and services to the public. They seek professional digital marketers to help them attract a wider audience. This growing demand promises an opportunity for those interested in building a career in digital marketing.

Are you interested in exploring digital marketing? This article provides some ideas and tips that will definitely help you with the queries about digital marketing. 

Why digital marketing is a good career?

Digital marketing offers a wide range of job opportunities, including SEO, SMM, SEM, Email marketing, Affiliate marketing, web designing, ecommerce, copywriting, and business analytics. If you’re seeking a career in digital marketing, the following points will interest you; 

  • There is an increased demand for digital marketers and specialists who promote businesses through SEO, SMM, SEM, etc.
  • Digital marketing is open to all, irrespective of the academic background one comes from.
  • Digital marketers and those who work in its specialised areas are paid well.
  • One can also pursue freelancing, enabling to explore different niches (specialisations).
  • There is a space to build campaigns with creative strategies.

How to start a career after stepping into digital marketing?

We have already discussed digital marketing and the reasons to carve out a career from it.  What do you think of digital marketing? Will starting a digital marketing career in Calicut be beneficial? Let’s discuss some points that will suit your potential in digital marketing.

  1. Research local trends and global updates 

Searching the available opportunities in your local areas and getting updated with the global trends will help you with stepping in digital marketing. Simple research of the institutes in your area can provide potential digital marketing courses with better opportunities. 

After completing the course, decide whether to specialise in the most demanded skills, such as SEO, SMM, SEM, Content marketing, Email marketing, Analytics, and Reporting, or take a job role encompassing all the skills. Also, research the sector in which you will be providing your services. 

To keep up with global trends, connect with international blogs like Search Engine Journal, Moz, etc., and be active on platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn to understand the views of industry leaders.Taking online courses could add some more developments to the area you will be working in.

  1.  Build a practical experience

There’s an opportunity for internships and freelancing if you are searching for the practical world of digital marketing. There are companies who are looking for interns, where you can grab an opportunity to develop your own space to create and uplift. Websites like Indeed and will be useful to search if you haven’t earned an internship. Ensure you build networks during the internship period and also while getting a job.

Freelancing is another opportunity to gain practical experience in a very competitive field. Freelancing platforms like Freelancer, Fiverr, and Upwork are also useful for this purpose. Start with offering basic services such as content creation or social media management to gain positive reviews. Like internships, build networks with other freelancers and entrepreneurs to attract potential clients.  This would add value to the resume and portfolio, which will benefit you in getting a job. 

3.  Networking

A marketer should engage in networking after his/her learning and internship period. Building networks within the time available is a better way to step into digital marketing, with better opportunities. We have already mentioned the role of networking in the previous points. Some of the networking opportunities can be understood as follows;

  • Look for digital marketing workshops, seminars and conferences.
  • Follow digital marketing institutes, agencies or industry professionals from your local area along with global space.
  • Search for online communities interested in digital marketing.
  • Look for industry publications and thought leaders in social media for discussions and insights.

4. Build a solid portfolio 

 When you’ve finally decided to look for a job in digital marketing, ensure that you build a portfolio that highlights your best works based on their relevance to the type of client, and that could catch the clients’ attention. 

Also, organize the content based on its type (social media posts, blogs, etc.), the industry( technical, medical, legal, etc.), and the client types to easily review the results you have established. 

After building a portfolio, taking all the considerations into account, choose a platform that clients can easily access. Some of the other mistakes you should avoid while making a portfolio can be listed as follows:-

  • Never include outdated work, i.e., the work that doesn’t suit the present client’s needs and doesn’t follow SEO and other practices. 
  • Adding irrelevant works can misguide your experience in digital marketing.
  • Avoid lengthy content using fine designs and captions to make it clear and attractive.

5. Mastering the tools

Digital marketing is nothing without tools that help analyse and create customisable strategies. Google Analytics, an analytical tool for digital marketing, analyses the data collected from digital channel activities. Several tools, such as SEMrush, Mailchimp, and Hootsuite, are helpful in SEO, email marketing, and social media management. 


We have discussed the tips you can follow when you are discovering digital marketing. Digital marketing is a growing field with luring career-building opportunities that will help you excel, better than expected. Digital marketing is and will always be used by current businesses that aim to build their brand from scratch and maintain doing so. They are keen on providing services for their brands; therefore, there’s a large opportunity to gain success with your passion for digital marketing and build networks that might help you further in your career. Additionally, mastering essential strategies & tools is vital for staying competitive in this dynamic industry.

Success in digital marketing will come with the opportunities provided by digital marketing institutes through their courses, including internships, being a part of projects, and so much more if networking is used to your benefit. Apart from the outcomes of taking digital marketing courses, searching for opportunities in your local area, as well as keeping progress with global trends, would also help you build strategies that suit the best of your interests. 

Aviv Digital is one of the leading Digital marketing course in calicut. We offer a wide variety of globally recognized certification programs that include SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing and Inbound Marketing courses. For more details, Contact us at: +91 8156998844