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About UI/UX

Build a thriving UI/UX design career by acquiring the requisite skills, confidence, and mindset of an accomplished UI/UX designer. The course covers Concepts of UI & UX Design, Information Architecture, Wireframing & Prototyping, Typography & Colors, and many more.


What is UI/UX Design?

UI Design stands for User Interface Design and this includes anything and everything with which the user interacts while using digital services or products such as lights, sounds, keyboards, screens, etc. Whereas, UX design or User Experience Design is developed to make improvements to UI. User Experience design deals with the interaction of users with the application, products, or operating system.

User Interface Design includes the appearance and outlook of the gadget used by the users and User experience design involves the ways the product is designed and operates and how it meets the user’s needs.

With Online platforms tremendously evolving over the last few years, it has opened up a great scope for UI/UX designers. Pursuing this course not only enriches you with various personal and professional benefits but also paves the path for career success.

Many organisations and firms these days emphasise their sites and applications to provide a better customer experience and this process is done with the help of UI/UX designers. UI/UX designers with their creative and artistic aptitude develop the appealing user interface and also come up with great designs that help in functional online platforms which suit the user’s needs.

In the coming years it is expected around 10% growth in the design industry and organisations are looking to hire skilled UI/UX designers for their productivity improvement as well as to improve their customer retention. This career choice renders the personals with excellent work opportunities, lucrative pay packages, exponential growth potential, and a ton of other professional benefits.

Aviv Digital with years of excellence in offering training to aspiring candidates helps in gaining the expertise and knowledge required to become a proficient UI/UX designer. The course curriculum is perfectly designed to meet all the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for you to stand in the competitive crowd.

Top Skills Needed To Become A UI/UX Designer

  • Wireframing and Prototyping Skills
  • UX Research Skills
  • Visual Communication Skills
  • Interaction Design Skills
  • Typography Skills
  • UX Writing Skills
  • Coding Skills
  • Information Architecture Skills

Advantages of UI/UX Design

  • Improved Accessibility and Usability
  • Faster, Smooth, and Engaging App
  • Enhances Brand Awareness
  • Optimization of Operating Time and Cost
  • Takes Users to the Bottom of the Funnel
  • Higher User Acquisition/Retention

Responsibilities of UI/UX Designers

  • Evaluating and gathering all user requirements and collaborating with the product manager and engineers
  • Develop graphic user interface components including tabs, menus, and widgets
  • Demonstrating design concepts
  • Optimization of existing user interface designs
  • Communication with clients to comprehend their business goals and objective
  • Creating prototypes of the latest product designs
  • Conducting ongoing user research

Topic in UX/UI Design


Visual Design:

Visual Design improves the design/product’s aesthetic charms and usability. The user’s first impression plays a huge role, and knowledge of visual design helps the designers to position the components carefully to develop interfaces that help in optimising user experience and drive conversion as well.


Interaction Design:

nteraction Design is the major component of UX design and it involves the design of the interaction between users and products. The main objective of interaction design is to develop products that allow users to meet their goals in the best possible way.


Information Architecture:

Information architecture concentrates on structuring, organising, and labelling content to help the users to find information and complete the task. It is a document that states an operational map to understand how a product acts and functions for the end users.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the job of UI/UX designers?

The main job of UX/UI designers is to develop a user interface for applications, websites, or any other media for interaction. They need to evaluate and collect all the requirements of users and develop designs so that they can find features without any problems. They are responsible to create products that offer a great user experience.

Why is UX/UI important?

With digital marketing evolving tremendously over the last few years, UX/UI design plays a significant role in designing websites, mobile applications, product design, etc. They help the organisation in offering a smooth and engaging user experience and also boost brand awareness thereby helping to enhance customer retention.

What are the career opportunities for UX/UI design?

UX/UI design offers great career opportunities. Individuals who undertook UX/UI design courses can start their career journey as UX Designers, Web Designers, UX analysts, UI designers, and UX architects.

Is UX/UI Design a good career path?

UX/UI design is a high in demand career choice. There is a tremendous increase in online platforms as most of the companies are shifting to digital platforms to meet their target customers and this has led to offering great scope for UX/UI designers. This career offers you the best pay packages, growth potential, and many other professional benefits in the long run.

What is the difference between UX and UI?

UI or User Interface involves the outlook and appearance of which the user interacts whilst using digital platforms such as screens, buttons, icons, and other visual elements whereas, UX or User Experience involves the overall experience between the user and the product.