In general, hashtags are keyword phrases that are preceded with a hash(#). It can be added with your post on social media to help people interested in your topic to view it when they search for a particular keyword or hashtag. So that it can boost the reach and engagement of your post.
Today, hashtags play a major role in social media marketing strategies. By adding a specific hashtag to your post, it will be seen by many people apart from your followers. If you are posting for a digital marketing agency, then you should find all the top ranking hashtags for a digital marketing agency and include it in the description of the post.
Also, while writing a hashtag you need to spell it without space, like #useofhastags. The hashtags can be placed at anywhere of the post like the beginning, middle, or at the end of the post. But it should not include punctuations and symbols.
Here are some of the effective methods to use hashtags in social media marketing.
Make Use Of Trending Keywords
Including a trending hashtag in your post can create many differences over your post. At many times there will be some trending news that people are talking about. If suitable, you can connect these trending news keywords with your content. So that the visitors to your post tremendously increases.
Also, trending hashtags can create high brand visibility. Before including any social media marketing hashtags, confirm that it adds value to your post. If not, just avoid the selected hashtags and choose the better one.
With the help of some hashtags monitoring sites and analytics, you can analyze the quality of the hashtags. To get more exposure and engagement, you should be the first in using the trending keywords. As you are late the exposure and reach also decrease.
Using niche-specific hashtags in your post may help you to connect with the targeted market and build a better relationship. Let it be any social media platform, including the trending keywords that can bring many changes over your post.
Simple and Valuable
While finding a hashtag, it is better to choose something that people may search for and which can be easily remembered. Today, there are a number of social media hashtags available. But choosing the most relevant and simple hashtags from that is the game.
Always think from the user perspective while finding the hashtag for your post. If you are opting for a hashtag that is difficult to pronounce or too lengthy, then it may not give the best result as you expected.
Try to keep your hashtag precise and easy to spell. The major criteria are to find on what topic can your audience relate to your post. After analyzing it, find the apt hashtag for your post and just include it.
If you are making use of the proper hashtags, then it may even help you to interact with a community and boost engagement in the post. Therefore always use the benefit of simple and value-adding hashtags for better exposure.
Search It Before The Use
It is important to check the quality of hashtags before adding them to your post. It is always better to research and note down the hashtags for your post. So that you don’t need to go behind searching the hashtags during posting your content.
You can also find and include the hashtags used in the posts that received more engagement and reach. Using these hashtags in your posts can surely boost up your post to its next level. Also, ensure that you are not using some hashtags that can be interpreted in a different way.
Use Hashtags in Different Platforms
As you know hashtags play a big role in social media marketing. You can give better exposure and engagement with the help of hashtags. If you are using the same hashtags on different platforms, then people can easily remember it and provide a good result.
Today, hashtags can be used in all the major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
- Facebook: You can use two hashtags over Facebook to boost your post. So, it is better to include one trending hashtag and other custom hashtags for your brand.
- Instagram: Here, you can include up to 30 hashtags for a post. But try to use below 12 hashtags for better exposure. You can also search in the search bar to find the hashtags used by the influencers and your competitors to boost their posts. Including these hashtags in your post is a simple way to achieve more exposure.
- Twitter: As Twitter is having character counting restriction, you can use 2 hashtags to promote your post. Here, you can create a twitter bot that can be programmed for choosing the custom hashtags and making the tweeting much simpler through automation.
- LinkedIn: In the case of LinkedIn, you are not having any restrictions on the number of hashtags to be used. But, if you are using too many of them, it will be noted as spam and sometimes you may be lost your account. So, it is better to keep a limit of 5 hashtags while posting the content.
- Pinterest: To help the users to find your post, you can add up to 2 hashtags in your post. Here, it is better to opt for unique hashtags for your post.
Create Brand Hashtags
It is a good idea to connect your brand with a popular hashtag to boost your result. This may help you to get new viewers to your post and create more exposure. If you are using the hashtags carefully after proper research and study, then it can surely expand the engagement of the post.
Also, don’t overuse the hashtags in your post. Because in many cases the social media platforms mark you as a spam and even remove your account. So, it is important to use hashtags only after proper research or study.
Besides that, try to make your own brand hashtag and connect it with the most relevant hashtags. So that people too start to connect your brand with these trending hashtags and expand the engagement of your post.
A Few Final Words
These all are some innovative ideas for using hashtags in social media marketing. Today, there are also many other tools for finding the best hashtags for your post. Also, make sure that you have done a proper study on the hashtags before including it in your post.
If not, it will not provide a good result as you expected. Therefore, you should be very sensitive in finding the hashtags. Always include some social media marketing hashtags in your post bring the post to its next level.
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