The digital market is critical for grooming and spreading knowledge about products and services through websites, apps, social media, and other digital channels.  

There were only a few methods for promoting your business before digital marketing. For example, advertisements in magazines, newspapers, and billboards.

Digital marketing uses a variety of platforms to enhance your business like Google ads, video ads, internet marketing, blogging, Media ads, app install initiatives, Youtube ads, and content marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Pinterest, and other sites are just a few examples of the sites and there are many available in the digital marketing. 

It is estimated that the Indian digital marketing sector will grow to 539 billion by the end of financial year 2024. Apparently, digital marketing salaries had a hike of 30 percentage last year.

It all comes down to involving your intended audience and consumers in moral interactions with one another and with your business.

Although there are many primary reasons folks are going to a digital marketing school and creating a digital marketing profession, the advantages of a digital marketing education differ depending on the user’s profile.

How Does Digital Marketing Work? Digital marketing uses a variety of strategies to achieve a single, ultimate objective via various methods.

Consider digital marketing to be a firm, and the tactics to be the company’s workers who work in various departments. All employees work for the same company and have the same goal in mind: to make the company successful.

Similarly, all digital marketing techniques work together to drive traffic, raise awareness, and convert leads into long-term clients.

Through digital marketing, several businesses have targeted a certain client. The goal of digital marketing is to assist firms in reaching out to potential clients via the internet.

Digital marketing tactics include:

  • Social Media Marketing(SMM)
  • Marketing with Content
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing (PPC)
  • SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” 
  • Website Promotion
  • Marketing via email

What drives high demand for digital marketing?

We’ve witnessed considerable growth in the digitalisation of our lives after the pandemic. Increasing mobile and internet usage is becoming base for new business and marketing strategies. The surge in e-commerce business highlights this shift to attract and retain customers on every platform. The benefit of digital marketing is it aligns with these changes and ensures a global outreach. Television, newspapers and magazines are struggling to keep up with business and popularity digital marketing provides.

Reports from Social Beat show that 68 % of the brands use different digital marketing techniques to promote businesses. The growth of digital marketing proves that businesses are enjoying the benefits regardless of size, industry and location  

Why should someone choose digital marketing as a career? Who should learn marketing techniques? Continue to read the scope and benefits of digital marketing courses. 

Benefits of digital marketing course

1. Increase in brand loyalty


Digital marketing offers far more benefits than traditional marketing. Digital marketing raises brand exposure amongst new clients and builds wealth and commitment amongst current customers. 

Every entrepreneur wishes to build a loyal consumer base. Then there’s digital marketing, which gives you an easy way to communicate with them By using cloud based phone systems, social media, and email, companies can connect and build better customer relationships. 

Consumers may only interact with you directly through digital marketing. To build trust amongst them, you must use strategies such as content marketing, Media advertising, and search engine optimization.

2. Extremely Cost-effective

Everyone wants something less costly and more productive. Here it is, Digital marketing is an incredibly affordable procedure. 

Traditional marketing is difficult for small firms due to limited resources and the need to compete for ad space with large corporations. 

However, tiny firms can compete on an equal footing with big brands when it comes to digital marketing. 

In addition, if you wish to invest in a paid promotion, it is also less expensive than traditional advertising. Also, big profit margins are possible. 

On the other hand, you can simply call it pocket-friendly, which most people can afford. 

3. Understand everything in digits

The word “digital marketing” means “understand everything in digits.” Assume you’re a store owner. You can’t tell with traditional marketing which promotion provides far more advantages, such as a newspaper, a poster, or a booklet you distributed. 

Where does your consumer come from? Amongst them, what age bracket is most interested in the product? 

We simply would like to request more information, such as whether you can track how many individuals expressed interest in purchasing a product in your store. How many people come back to buy it a second time? 

We are not saying you can’t collect information; We are just saying you can’t understand precisely what it is. You can’t estimate it unusually! 

So, rather than employing traditional marketing methods to promote your brand, digital marketing may prove to be significantly more useful. And everything in Search Engines is presented in digits.

4. Real-time customer service


Establishing a one-on-one conversation with clients through online marketing can have a huge impact on the success of your organization. 

On the other hand, traditional marketing is incapable of actively confronting users, while digital marketing allows businesses to advertise and market to customers on time. 

Not just that, but internet advertising is also a popular way for people to buy things online. Customers’ responses are instantaneously available to business owners, and individualized proposals can increase traffic. 

It also aids in the management and development of new, satisfied clients. This digital marketing-enabled real-time recognition tool can have a significant impact.

5. Higher Return on Investment

It makes no difference whether a company is big or little. However, Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the essential indicators of corporate success. 

Small company partners may track and contact where leads are coming from, as well as if they are taking action, by implementing a well-managed digital marketing strategy and site analytics. 

That statistical data will give you precise return on investment records, allowing you to see how quickly you can arrange a good return on investment alone through digital marketing. 

Moreover, one can select the appropriate expectations by monitoring Key Performance Indicators on the company’s website, social networking sites, and mails, among other places.

6. Targeting audiences

The audience plays a vital role in digital marketing, and that is why Digital marketing enables you to interact with your target customers. 

Linkedin, email, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media platforms are good places to start a conversation. Respond within about an hour, especially considering more significant negative feedback. 

You can learn whatever their needs are and what they want from business by connecting them on social networking sites. 

You can be a successful and loyal business owner if you know them. There’s a good chance that your consumers and leads are spending time on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can advertise to increase viewer engagement.

7. Higher Conversion Rate


As previously said, Google Analytics can be used to track anything in digital marketing. If you don’t get leads from publishing on the internet, it’s a waste of time. 

Sales come as a result of leads, for e-commerce purchases happen through quality traffic. This is the process of determining viewers’ interests who have become leads and afterward make a purchase. 

Your conversion rate in digital marketing isn’t just about purchases. Downloading a handbook or registering for a workshop can increase your conversion rate. In digital marketing, there are several different sorts of conversion rates.

In your digital marketing strategies, the conversion rate is extremely important. You can track your conversion rate anytime you run an online campaign to see how it affects your bottom line.

The effectiveness of your campaign is determined by your conversion rate. If your conversion rate is high, it means your campaign is successful in converting leads. A poor conversion rate implies that your campaign could want some tweaking.

8. Worldwide audience

Traditional advertising tactics can be utilized to reach more people, albeit at a significant cost. 

On the other hand, using social media platforms provides a very cost-effective way to reach a global audience in a matter of seconds! 

There’s no telling how many people your material will reach if it becomes viral. You may engage a global audience with your goods and services thanks to digital marketing. 

If you’re good at SEO, you can quickly attract thousands of viewers and join a vast group of people all around the world. 

If your target market is larger than your local market, global marketing can help you achieve tremendous success. 

9. Social media marketing


There are numerous social media channels on which you can begin promoting your business. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter, and Linkedin are just a few examples. 

At this time, the world’s population is estimated around seven billion people. 4.72 billion individuals, on the other hand, utilize the internet. (datareportal) The use of social media sites to reach audiences to promote your business, increase revenue, and drive website traffic is known as social media marketing. 

In the first quarter of 2020, 420 billion individuals will be using social media. (Statista)

90.4 percent of Millennials, 77.5 percent of Generation X, and 48.2 percent of Baby Boomers used social media in 2019. (eMarketer)

Social media is used by 54 percent of social surfers to conduct product research. (GlobalWebIndex)

On average, each person spends 2 hours and 25 minutes on social media and messaging. (GlobalWebIndex)

In 2020, 1.3 million new users will join social media each day. (Hootsuite)

This includes creating compelling content for your social media accounts, responding to and engaging with followers, assessing your outcomes, and running social media ads. 

It all comes down to involving your target audience and customers in ethical interactions with one another and with your business. 

10. Improve relationships with customers


To improve customer relationships, you can occasionally offer a freemium service. 

It is the Service’s policy to allow free use of its items before making a purchase. As a result, it’s fairly typical to offer a freemium alternative with some restrictions. 

Both consumers and sellers benefit from these services since consumers receive free things, but sellers can also advertise and boost their sales through a watermark placed on the product.

Digital marketing boosts your company to build stronger consumer relationships. You can receive email and social media page details from your clients and are using them to target individuals.

11. Results that can be tracked and measured

Any business strategy, from our perspective, is pointless unless it can be measured. This essentially entails making attempts while blind.

Compiling a solid strategy and putting it into action is only half the battle. The overall purpose is to keep track of your performances, measure your achievement, and take corrective action.

You could monitor the success of any digital marketing activities from start to finish with tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

This is how you figure out what works the best for you and stick with it.


The situation has changed in the previous decade, and the lifestyle has evolved as well. Companies of all kinds and dimensions are starting to lean towards Digital Marketing to strengthen their position in the marketing industry, thanks to the rapid development of technological advances and the use of online platforms around the globe. 

As of 2020, the average Internet user has at least seven social media profiles, and Facebook is used by approximately 22 percent of the world’s population. Not only that, but 30 percent of social media users mention companies while discussing major events in their life.

The modern-day client has more flexibility than ever before because of social networking sites: we can now express our thoughts, call out and approach brands on social media platforms, receive a personalized experience, and much more. 

Businesses who don’t aspire to create their stance clear to clients are skipping out with an ocean of potential because of such a situation, where consumers become increasingly engaged in digital domains.

As more organizations hit the workforce of digital marketing, the desire for educated and qualified Digital Marketing specialists who can bring value to the organization will grow. 

The wonderful thing about Digital Marketing is that there are no hard and fast rules for getting started. 

To drive a company’s Digital Marketing strategies in the appropriate direction, you must understand certain Digital Marketing principles and the necessary digital marketing abilities.

Enrolling in a Digital Marketing Certification course is the best method to get both practical and theoretical knowledge. Digital Marketing Certification courses are specifically developed to teach Digital Marketing principles. You can either take the course online from different sites like the Aviv Digital digital marketing course which will teach you every aspect of digital marketing. 

They, of course, provide the finest ground for breaking the ice in the field. In addition, instructors provide hands-on instruction when you engage in sustainable business tasks and projects.


How long is the digital marketing course?

Perhaps it’s not your issue if you didn’t master digital marketing in one day!! Because digital marketing is such a large topic, it is impossible to study everything in one day and become an expert. 

However, because you inquired, how long does a digital marketing course last? The length of these courses varies from one institute to the next. However, it normally takes at least one month to understand digital marketing fundamentals and begin your job by dedicating five to six hours every day.

Most importantly, taking a course or studying this topic will not suffice to become an expert in this field. Because digital marketing is all about doing things, you’ll need to learn and put what you’ve learned into practice.

Practice makes a man perfect, and you must put what you’ve learned into action.

In conclusion, We would advise you to enroll in a digital marketing course in an institute where you may learn all of these strategies in a hands-on environment. You can begin reading top digital marketing blogs while taking your course. 

You can also start your blog in conjunction with your course, where you can implement all of the online marketing skills you’ve learned to help you understand effectively and help you communicate more efficiently.

Is digital marketing difficult to learn? 

Not at all! However digital marketing is similar to a vast ocean, with infinite depth and breadth. This characteristic makes it difficult to learn quickly!! 

However, you can quickly understand digital marketing. In simple terms, digital marketing is the skill of leveraging the Internet to promote and advertise your goods. 

You may find millions of articles, essays, video lessons, and podcasts mostly on the internet if you look for them for learning purposes. And trying to follow and learn from it all will be more like pounding a dead horse, which means you will end up with nothing!

You will acquire technical concepts in institutions, which will not be sufficient for you. However, if you enroll in a digital marketing course in which you can understand everything from the ground up, you will be the master of the subject.

You just need to put your all attention into the learning process. Then it is just like a cakewalk for you. 

What do you learn from a digital marketing course?

Search engine marketing (SEM), Social media marketing (SMM), Search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, mobile advertising, inbound marketing, web analytics, and all other digital campaigns are covered in this course.

You’ll also be given homework somewhere at the end of every season that will boost your odds of being recruited by increasing your practical experience. 

With this knowledge on why you should pursue a career in Digital Marketing, you will undoubtedly be able to pull off the feat of having a bright future in this field.

Building websites, creating blog entries, reaching out to target audiences via social media platforms, releasing ebooks, online brochures, and so on are all examples of online. 

Adding skills is always good for our personality, and it is a kind of skill that is not very common among traditional people these days. You must learn it and try to follow it in your practical life. 

It is always beneficial to take a course before starting anything new. You need to understand everything about the respective field. 

It always helps at the time of risk and decision-making. One should prefer taking a course for digital marketing at any of the institutions that will provide them with the best knowledge. 

Digital marketing is the most in-demand expertise for anybody working in marketing, including media, public relations, and communications. 

It is self-evident that a marketer who lacks digital marketing expertise will be left behind in their career. Learning digital marketing will never go in vain, and it will always be helpful for you. 

Aviv Digital is one of the leading digital marketing training institutes in Kochi, Kerala. Our globally recognized certification programs include advanced SEO training, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing, and Inbound Marketing courses. We also provide detailed online classes for digital marketing courses. For more details regarding the course schedule and workshops,  contact us through a quote or call us right away at +91 8157998844 or +91 81569 98844