Calicut is an emerging economic base of Kerala with opportunities in IT and businesses. Multiple international companies and startups have recently opened their headquarters in the city. The government and private sector are collaborating together to promote Calicut as a major IT hub of the state. Marketing is an integral part of business, and digital marketing has risen as new tool for promotion and sales.

Many positive factors drive the growth of digital marketing at Calicut. This includes advancements in the internet and smartphones, rising usage of social media, and interconnectedness to different parts of the world. Limitations of traditional marketing are accelerating this shift. The popularity of the e-commerce sector motivates businesses to adapt to rising consumer adoption of online branding and shopping. Most small and medium enterprises(SMEs) are transforming to digital platforms for wider reach and customer engagement. 

Businesses have started considering data and analytics seriously in their marketing campigns. Digital marketing allows them to target their campaigns effectively and to measure results of their efforts. Using this oppertunity,  several digital marketing institutes have started booming in town from large corporations and young startups specialising in niche areas. An awareness of new trends in digital marketing helps in updating your strategies. Let’s have an introduction to notable changes and trends happening in digital marketing recently. 

Rise of Mobile Marketing  

Mobile marketing is a significant change that has been happening in the marketing approach for the last few years. The popularity of smartphones has changed how people access information and engage with brands. This constant involvement of users offers an opportunity to target them from the beginning of purchasing journey. Studies show that 57% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Mobile marketing forced brands to create responsive websites and interesting social media content.     

Increased popularity of social media 

Social media marketing is one of the most used platforms of marketing in Calicut to connect with target audience. Advertisement campaigns on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat have become unavoidable in business promotion. Cost effectiveness and better results of social media marketing attract small and medium sized businesses with limited marketing budgets to SMM.

Growth of influencer marketing  

Influencer marketing involves partnering with social media celebrities to connect with audience effectively. Kozhikode has seen a surge in micro influencers( followers between 10k-50k)  with strong community connections and engagement rates. They can communicate with users about local market trends and consumer preferences to build trustworthy relations with customers

Key Marketing Strategies to Promote Busines in Calicut

To reach out to the marketing potential of Calicut and to stand out from the competition, you should master what’s happening now in marketing. Here are some key strategies to consider in the present scenario.

Master Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Create a strong online presence with an active website and optimise it for SEO with expert digital marketers of Calicut. Including a budget for paid advertising makes your process easier with platforms like Google ads and Meta ads. Don’t hesitate to claim your firm on Google My Business listing with accurate information.

Utilize E-mail Marketing 

Build a mailing list and keep in touch with them for continued communication. Dividing your list into different segments based on demography and interests to customise your messaging. Targeted mail with attractive offers and information takes your email marketing campaign strategy to success.

Apply Content Marketing 

Publishing informative and engaging blog posts on the website helps to address your target audience’s needs and issues. Using visual content and YouTube channels captures the attention of a wide audience. Sharing useful content across various platforms maximizes your marketing campaign’s reach and support. 

Future Trends and Predictions

Every aspect of technology is unpredictable, and digital marketing is no different from this. Next gen marketing strategies are already in their initial stage on the internet, just like how Facebook ads were 7 years ago. Being informed on new technologies and strategies gives a headstart on the marketing race. As history shows, having a curious and experimental mindset never makes you fail. Get an introduction to the marketing predictions on new technologies below. Ensure your work environment travels with your vision by Investing in training and development programmes on marketing technologies.

Hyper Personalisation

Digital marketing campaigns are assured to be more specialised in individual preferences and behaviour in future. AI-powered tools can analyse large data to predict personalised needs and habits. This obviously helps to create result oriented marketing and improvement in business.

Improved Vernecular Marketing

Developments in technology are targeted for more user access and shaped to fit every part of the world. Internet marketing in malayalam helps to reach out local population effectively. Marketers should create content and advertising apt for the cultural preferences of Calicut. More localisation of your brand results in more globalisation of the business.

 Growth of E-commerce and Digital Payments 

E-commerce sector has already passed its first stage of growth in Calicut, still mostly concentrated in restaurants, health and transportation businesses. Along with establishing a strong online presence, creating seamless e-commerce experiment improves your customer experience. Digital payments will continue to grow, requiring businesses to early adaption of new payment methods.

Digital Marketing Education in Calicut

New marketing trends open opportunities to the city’s young generation with easily accessible features. The digital marketing sector needs a skilled and passionate workforce to fill the current skill shortage. Aviv Digital offers specialized job-oriented courses in marketing customized to the needs of businesses and students alike in Calicut. 

Digital marketing pays for your creative skills if used in a professional needs. Jobs such as graphic designing and content creation demand a blending of natural and technical skills. Our course provide support for crafting out and implementing creative thoughts inside you. 

Courses at Aviv let students learn digital marketing with flexible batches and online availability of trainers. Students with career breaks or issues with higher studies are also welcome to the marketing world, as the modern job market focuses on your skills rather than certificates. 

Training Programs and Workshops

There are a variety of courses and workshops on digital marketing in Calicut, with different customizations. Aviv promises an updated curriculum and industry experienced trainers. We introduce you to our digital marketing courses with a promising career in Calicut below.

Advanced Diploma Course In Digital Marketing

An advanced diploma in digital marketing equips you with skills and proficiency in various positions in marketing. Generally, it explores topics like search engine optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, etc. You will earn an industry approved certificate and assured placements after finishing this course after graduation. This course has a duration of 7 months, including industry training and internship.

Diploma In Digital Marketing

Diploma courses are relatively short term; still, experienced mentors can train students within this time period. The course curriculum provides importance to practical sessions rather than theoretical classes. After the course, you will be confident to be in positions like digital marketing manager, SEO specialist, social media and content manager. The wide opportunities in these careers assure jobs right after the training period.

Digital Marketing For Entrepreneurs

This course targets entrepreneurs looking for an upskill or introduction to digital marketing with features like a customisable curriculum. You will learn how digital marketing fits your business strategy within the landscape of Calicut and how to build a strong online presence. Even if you are planning for entrepreneurship in the near future, you can save time and money to avoid costly mistakes by enrolling on these courses.

Digital marketing has had a remarkable impact on Calicut’s economy, contributing to its growth and development. Online marketing tools offer a cost effective way for business promotion irrespective size of the firm. Online communities improve communication and collaboration between companies and customers. The growth of digital marketing has also created a number of numerous job opportunities in the field.

Digital marketing is estimated to grow to 539 billion by the end of the financial year 2024. Getting along with trend shifts and updated technologies is not easy. The presence of dedicated institutes helps in this by bringing suitable marketing technologies to the town.

Creating a collaborative ecosystem of businesses, educational institutions, and individuals is key to continued success in business. By encouraging digital marketing education, Calicut can boost its economic growth and compete as an emerging IT sector. The young generation of city would be confident in future with more opportunities to utilise their general education and creative skills

Aviv Digital is one of the leading Digital marketing course in calicut. We offer a wide variety of globally recognized certification programs that include SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing and Inbound Marketing courses. For more details, Contact us at: +91 8156998844